Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Does It Take To Start A Home Based Business?

When you find a home based business that you like and are excited about, understand the first thing you will need to get started is money, that is why you will hear "Don't quit your job, just yet" I can tell you, if you do, you will be sorry. Because I have done that a couple of times, because I was so excited I knew in my heart that everyone I talked to about my new home business would be as excited as I was and they would join me and I would start making money right away. Well unfortunately it just does not work that way.
When you start a home based business, you need to get your mind set in the right direction, This isn't a time to relax, it is a time to place yourself in a CEO's shoes and get busy! Even though you are still working (hopefully) start carrying yourself like a CEO of your own company because you are. Part time anyway, for now.

Now you need to start advertising. Some adverting cost money, some don't, so don't go over board, unless you are busting at the seams with money already, you can start with a free classified ad or if you want, place an ad in your local newspaper. Why advertise? You want people to know that you have a business, If you don't advertise you won't get any business.

Like in another blog of mine that reads,

"What Are All The Ads For?"

It talks about advertising on the Internet and other ways to make money and to get leads.

"Your business will not grow if you do not have leads, You always have to have people to talk too and people going to you web site, If you don't have leads, you don't have a business!"

In a home based business there are always ups and downs, but that is in every business, Just talk with any network marketer or any business owner and they will tell you that sometimes business is very good and other times it can be slow but it is those good times when you have to stay very busy generating new leads for when the slow time happens.

So when you start a home based business and nothing happens for a while, Don't get discouraged, Go and do some research on what other network markets are doing to generate leads, call your sponsor and talk over with them what else you can do. I know a lot of the really good network marketers use what is call funded proposals, along with other ways of advertising and their business is booming!

Working from home may or may not be for you, But if you never try it you'll never know for sure, will you? Just remember that when you sign up with a home based business, You really need to do research on the business. Get as much information as you can. Here is my web site that will help you with your Internet business.

1. Keep your job (for a while)
2. Remember you need money to make money
3. Do research
4. Have fun but always remember, you are the CEO of your business!
5. MOST important, Always have leads, LOT of leads!!

Thanks for coming by, if there is anything I can help you with, post a comment and I will reply promptly.

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